My plan to keep you safe and be compliant with the CDC, OHSA and DOL
I will wear a mask at all times and require that clients do as well. If you do not have an appropriate one that snugly covers your mouth and nose I will provide you a disposable one at my cost which will be added to your service.
I have replaced all cloth bedding with a wipe down materials. All implements are washed, disinfected and sterilized.
Seattle clients can come wait in the waiting room.
Renton clients, please wait in the hallway near elevator.
PLEASE BE ON TIME, I will be trying to pad appointments so I have proper time to clean but if you are running late, please email or call to let me know.
If you are not feeling well the day of your service or show any signs of being ill, please cancel and you will not be charged.
Good news! I have an A/C unit in Seattle so we can stay cool and breathe behind the masks, especially since the hot weather is near.